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Five best European food stalls

This article is more than 17 years old

1. Scotland

Aware of the current obsession with wheat-free, low-GI, low-calorie diets, one young Scotsman has hit upon a simple but clever idea - take-away porridge. Stoats Porridge Bars serve pots of porridge with various toppings - from brown sugar and cream to white chocolate and roasted hazelnut - from a cute stainless steel trailer at markets and festivals.

2. Reykjavik

Baejarins Beztu Pylsur (City's Best Hotdogs) is a fast-food institution down by the harbour. It's reckoned almost every Icelander has eaten a hotdog at this neon-signed kiosk, and even Bill Clinton chowed down here on his visit in 2004. The secret's in the sauce, apparently, a confection called remoladi, which tops off the usual staples of fried onions, raw onions, steaming dog, ketchup and mustard.
· Pósthússtræti, Reykjavik.

3. Athens

Breakfast in Athens is a cappuccino and koulouri (sesame-studded bread ring) eaten on the hoof. You'll find koulouri and sugary "donats" at street stalls all over town but it's the all-night Koulouria Bakery in Psyrri (Karaiskaki 23) that late-night revellers head to.

4. Nice

Eating in France doesn't have to mean long, heavy meals. If you're after a snack in Nice, look for one of the many stands selling socca, a thin pancake made from chickpea flour and cooked on copper plates in wood-burning ovens. Check out the Chez Thérésa stall at the flower market in the old town (Cours Saleya).

5. Istanbul

When the bars kick out, Istanbulites make for Ortakoy with its many street stalls. The popular dish here is midye tava - basically a fried mussel sandwich. Sounds odd, tastes delicious. They slice open a baguette, fill it with just fried mussels and cover it in a garlic, bread and walnut sauce. Makes a change from kebabs.

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